Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Routine makes me angry.
I don't like it, and only recently have I not liked it.
I used to love doing the same thing everyday because it was things I loved.
This routine im in now though...well I don't know how much more I can take.

Anyways, I really don't have anything to post but felt like writing something...
Tonight church was fun :)
I threw water at Rachels face which I know she appreciated,
went to Subway with two girls in the youth group,
got excited about this weekend!
Oh yes, this weekend I'm hoping will bring some joy into this week.
That would be fantastic.

I'm doing a really bad job about reading my Bible.
I want to, but I just don't.
I always end up so blessed though after keeping up with it, like last month I read Proverbs and it was amazing! I gained so much from it.
But like I said this routine I'm in is making me just want to sit at home and do nothing whenever I can.
LAZY is what I have become...hmm which is talked about alot in Proverbs...ironic?
I need to fix this.

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