Wednesday, December 10, 2008

I'm working on it.

I have realized that loving yourself is key.
Not loving yourself in a selfish "hey look at me" way, but being confident in who God made you to be.
I used to be a very outgoing confident person, and while alot of people still think of me that way, I'm really not.
There are certain people and moments that really bring out the best in me, but it's rare.
In the last two years I have lost some friends, had my heart broken, and have had to deal with growing up pretty fast. I'm not complaining but these things have totally changed how I view and feel about myself. I am a completely different person than I was a year or two ago.
We all want to feel loved.
Loved for exactly who we are.
I have searched for that love and reassurance that I'm good enough in people. My friends and/or boyfriends is who I tend to put that pressure on. I have learned though that it is not their job or responsibility. While yes your friends are there to build you up and encourage you, when you put the full responsibility of making you happy on their shoulders, you will be let down. This is just the world and that has been the hardest thing for me to learn. I need to find out who I am outside of my friends and family and boyfriends. They are not the people who define me and they are not who holds my identity. The one that my identity is found in has said that He has overcome this world. That no love greater than his can be found on this Earth. My joy, my deep lasting feeling of contentment and peace, it has not and will not be found in people.
I learn this lesson over and over again.
I'm sure I'll continue learning it as I experience more.
I want the love of God to be more than enough for me, I'm not sure that I can confidently say that yet, but that is my goal.
When that love and grace is just enough for me, when I'm not searching for more, I believe that is when I will be able to see myself the way God sees me.


rachel said...

you are supposed to love your neighbor as yourself.

so you need to love yourself.

Josiah said...

i agree.. you cant love others if you dont love yourself.. and there is a big difference between being cocky and being confidence!