Monday, February 9, 2009

In A Funk

That's how I'm feeling.
This weekend was nothing short of an adventure.
I drove over to eastern washington with my friend Alyssa.
The drive is about 4 hours, a little over and it's literally a straight drive.
It's really pretty though at a certain point when your going through the mountains, snow everywhere and frozen waterfalls. I even saw a deer in the snow! It was beautiful! Alyssa laughed at me for that one cause she says she sees deer all the time. Spoiled Washington kids ;)

Anyways...I want so badly to write about everything that happened but seriously...all the memories are a blur. Here is what sticks out the most to me though...

ugh...stuuu washington! I was going 81 in a 70 haha but still.
The cop was quite good looking though an considering what had already happened that night, Alyssa and I just cracked up about it.
$144 later...I'm broke pretty much.

But yes that was just on the way there...

So today I have just been all stressed about money and school work and how I have slacked like crazy the past two weeks. BLAH it's all catching up to me.


But God is good :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about the ticket, but hey, not-so-good choices make great stories! (Just don't make it a habit for your wallet's sake, haha). Snow sounds awesome! I have played in snow only twice in my whole life, but both times it was amazing. Hope you are doing well up north!